I wanted to give everyone an update that just occurred, while thanking readers for their support over the last three years.Pressroompass.com grew tremendously thanks to the efforts of the Tri-Eastern Conference athletic directors, coaches, student-athletes, support staff, parents and fans.As much as I would like to continue with this endeavor, I have been offered a job at IU East as the assistant sports information director. In short, that means I will no longer be covering TEC sports.
While the site has been profitable, this is a great opportunity for me that happened very quickly and my start date is August 1.
My work as a blogger began on MLB.com. Although that format is no longer available, I plan on continuing to write stories about sports history on this site.
I am going to miss seeing everyone, hopefully, I will get a chance to thank everyone in person at some point later this year.
Don Tincher