Record-Breaking Performance for Tigers

Hagerstown’s Kyle Cochran

The Hagerstown boys golf team broke the school 9-hole record with a 148 on Wednesday at the Winchester Golf Club as the Tigers defeated Union City, which had 211.

The previous record was 149 by Hagerstown’s 2011 and 2016 teams.

Kyle Cochran tied the mark of 33 to tie Ben Tinkle’s 9-hole individual school standard to earn medalist honors in the Tri-Eastern Conference match.

Jacob Jeffries led the Indians with a 48.

HAGERTOWN (148) – Kyle Cochran 33, Caleb Cochran 38, Carson Orr 38, James Cochran 39, Kevin Beeson 46.

UNION CITY (211) – Jacob Jeffries 48, Jayden Hindsley 52, Wes Botkin 54, Ben Bagozzi 57, Seve Benevedez 63, Derick Williams 64.

Hagerstown JV (192) – Luke Lannan 42, Nate Burns 48, Christian James 48, Austin Herr 54, Nick Habzansky 56, Eli Richards 58.