Category: Strat-O-Matic Game of the Day

27 * 61 Replay 137: 70 Orioles at 61 Yankees

Editor’s note: The 27 * 61 Yankees Replay games are being played with Strat-o-Matic cards and dice. The designated hitter will not be used for any games. Injuries will only be used during the game when they occur. Johnny Blanchard made the hometown crowd very happy with another walk-off hit. Blanchard’s lead off homer in […]

27 * 61 Replay 136: 70 Orioles at 61 Yankees

Editor’s note: The 27 * 61 Yankees Replay games are being played with Strat-o-Matic cards and dice. The designated hitter will not be used for any games. Injuries will only be used during the game when they occur. Mike Cuellar tossed a complete game as the 1970 Baltimore Orioles beat the 1961 New York Yankees […]

27 * 61 Replay 136: 70 Orioles at 27 Yankees

Editor’s note: The 27 * 61 Yankees Replay games are being played with Strat-o-Matic cards and dice. The designated hitter will not be used for any games. Injuries will only be used during the game when they occur. A pair of early home runs proved to be the difference as the 1970 Baltimore Orioles defeated […]

27 * 61 Replay 135: 70 Orioles at 61 Yankees

Editor’s note: The 27 * 61 Yankees Replay games are being played with Strat-o-Matic cards and dice. The designated hitter will not be used for any games. Injuries will only be used during the game when they occur. The third time really was a charm for Mickey Mantle. After just missing an opportunity for a […]

27 * 61 Replay 135: 70 Orioles at 27 Yankees

Editor’s note: The 27 * 61 Yankees Replay games are being played with Strat-o-Matic cards and dice. The designated hitter will not be used for any games. Injuries will only be used during the game when they occur. Merv Rettenmund drilled a pair of homers to lead the 1970 Baltimore Orioles to a 4-3 victory […]